Summer Vehicle Maintenance Tips | Carroll, IA

Summer Vehicle Maintenance Tips | Carroll, IA

Summer is here, and with it comes hot weather and long drives. While you might be excited to hit the open road, it’s important to remember that summer heat can be tough on your vehicle. At Motor Inn of Carroll, Iowa, we want to make sure that your vehicle stays in top condition all summer long. Here are some summer vehicle maintenance tips to help protect your car from the heat:

Keep your engine cool

The engine is the heart of your vehicle, and it’s important to keep it cool during the hot summer months. To do this, make sure your coolant levels are topped off, and have your cooling system checked by our expert technicians. They can identify any issues and make the necessary repairs to keep your engine running smoothly.

Check your tires

Hot pavement can cause your tires to wear faster. It can also increase their internal pressure. Two ways to deal with this problem is to ensure they are properly inflated and have enough tread. Our service department can check your tire pressure and rotate your tires to ensure even wear and prolong their lifespan.

Protect your interior

The sun’s UV rays can cause damage to your car’s interior and exterior. To protect the bodywork, park in shaded areas or use a sunshade. Additionally, consider applying a UV protectant to your dashboard and seats to prevent cracking and fading.

Change your oil

Hot weather can cause your engine oil to break down faster, so it’s important to have it changed regularly. Our technicians can help you determine the right oil for your vehicle and recommend a schedule for oil changes.

At Motor Inn of Carroll, Iowa, our expert technicians are here to help you keep your vehicle running smoothly all summer long. From oil changes to tire rotations and everything in between, we have you covered. Don’t let summer heat take a toll on your vehicle — bring it to us for expert service and maintenance. Contact us today to schedule your appointment.

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